A. Kasmia, M.Sc., M.D.

Baldwin Neurology, LLC, 188 Hospital drive Suite 300, Fairhope, Al 36532.

Phone (251)-990-1910, Fax (251)-990-1911

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Citicoline released for brain ischemia

The trade name is Seraxon, released for dietary management of cerebral ischemia associated with brain injury or stroke 

The cerebral metabolism may require certain amounts after stroke, presumably the baseline level becomes lower.

It is used wihtout a prescription but your neurologist or primary care physician should be involved. Link


Choosing an antiplatelet agent:    
  TIA or Stroke High Vascular Risk Risk of bleeding Headaches
ASA only 13%  or 10/1000/year 19% Reduction Nonfatal 1/1000/Year, Cranial 1/1000/3Years Low
Clopidogrel only Same as Aspirin 8.7% vs. Better than Aspirin Less than Aspirin Low
Dipyridamole only 13% Reduction 10% reduction Same as placebo High risk
Dipyridamole + ASA 15% Reduction Same as Aspirin Same as Aspirin High risk (6%)
Aspirin + Clopidogrel About same as ASA Same as Aspirin More than Clopidogrel alone Low

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