A. Kasmia, M.Sc., M.D.

Baldwin Neurology, LLC, 188 Hospital drive Suite 300, Fairhope, Al 36532.

Phone (251)-990-1910, Fax (251)-990-1911

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Name: Purpose: Description: Performed by: Days performed:
Evaluation of nerve function in cases of suspected neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome... etc.
Stimulation specific nerves and measuring their conduction velocities

-Tracy (technician)

-Dr. Kasmia

Most working days
Evaluation of muscle and nerve disease.
Evaluating certain muscles and correlating that with the nerve test Dr. Kasmia Most working days
Certain disorders of muscle spasm such as multiple sclerosis, torticollis, hemifacial spasm, blepharospasm... etc
Carefully selected areas are injected with a small amount of medication. Dr. Kasmia Appointment are pre-arranged for this procedure.
Evaluation of possible seizures, unusual causes of mental status changes...etc.
Electrodes placed on the scalp to measure the electrical activity of the brain

-Tracy (technician)

-Dr. Kasmia

Done on most working days.

This is page will explain how our procedures are carefully selected and performed.

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